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How to Make the Thesis Attractive?

A well-written thesis acts as a motivator and emphasises the significance of the new idea and convinces the reader about the same. Moreover, if you have already written many related papers, you can staple it together and make it a single, lengthy document. After this is done, you can prepare an introductory section which gives a gist of the innovative ideas covered in the thesis. Now you can restructure the remaining part of the presentation into different chapters that support the introductory chapter. You can close the thesis with a concluding chapter that provides a summary of your findings.

The terminology, notation, and style need to be consistent throughout. While writing, the text needs to be clearer and thoughtful. It would be a good idea to give more examples in order to present the idea clearly. New experiments, tests, or theorems can be added and you can also consider giving alternative explanations and counter arguments. The details should be clear enough in order to allow someone to repeat the study or make use of it in a new setting.

The opening page of the thesis should target a wide-ranging audience. It would be good to mention all related work and provide details on how it could relate to the work in question. Future scope of the study conducted can also be mentioned.

The acknowledgement section which is given as a preface, can be used to give due credit to any collaborators including your advisor. The financial support offered for the study should also be acknowledged. Further, it is essential to thank people who provided support administratively, technically, socially, and emotionally.

Another important point to remember is that you should take the responsibility of your own work even if it gives undesirable results. The committee or your advisor may be able to provide suggestions regarding the style and content, but only you can fix the problems in the thesis.

To sum it up, you can make your thesis attractive by giving due attention to the points discussed above.

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